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Improve Your Game by Tapping into All the Incredible Frequencies of the Human Mind

Article by Zhang Xinyue of Create Abundance.

Most of us understand how incredible the human mind is. We humans can process information at incredible speeds. You can be standing in a store looking around at products or people while texting a friend and thinking about what you’re going to do later. It’s really amazing when you think about it.

By utilizing altered states of reality and mental visualization, it’s possible to go beyond what a normal human being is capable of. This technique can be used in everyday life, but it can also be used for those in the sports world who are dead-set on winning.

Many athletes have learned these techniques and have improved their games in the field of golf, tennis, basketball and other sports.

The first thing that you must learn is meditation. This is not the ordinary type of meditation that most people are familiar with; it is a deeper type. Begin with mindfulness meditation. Learn to let yourself go and focus on your breathing. Cut out everything around you. It doesn’t exist.

Next, move into progressive meditation where your whole body is in a deep state of relaxation. The next step is Zen meditation where you sit in the Lotus position with your legs crossed. You are thinking about nothing. If a thought pops into your head, dismiss it. As you are able to control your states of consciousness, you begin to discover a new world of possibilities. This can used in all types of sports to help the individual shut out all the noise and focus completely on their game.

The great Teacher Zhang Xinyue, a well known spiritual leader, was born in China. In 2012 she wrote her best-selling book Create Abundance. Her development of the Create Abundance system aims to promote a helpful and healthy approach to life’s philosophical problems. By building a unique and highly effective plan for body-mind-spirit cultivation, she has succeeded in helping tens of thousands.